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2018 may 27
brick lane market
Brick lane market. A market overflowing with as much character as it has people.
Situated a 10 minute walk from liverpool street or aldgate east, underground station in east london, brick lane market is a must visit for world foods, drinks and handmade goods.
If it's something individual you're looking for, you will find it here. Whether it's handmade, rare, vintage originals or collectors items, brick lane has it all.
Parts of the market are located indoors which are made up of 5 different sections; the vintage market, the backyard market, the boiler house food hall, the tea rooms and the sunday up-market. Generally each of the markets is active sundays from 10am to 5pm bar the food hall which is 11am to 6pm.
Take my advise and go now while the weather is nice and the market is busy.
my pick
Sometime the plan doesn't go to plan and the result is better than if the plan panned out as the plan was planned... Anyway...
I was hoping to capture a clear image of this beautiful old mercades but with the number of people at the market I should have known it was unlikely. I'm actually very pleased with the final obscured composition.

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